Utah United Academy is a collection of the best players from across the state of Utah. In true academy fashion we aim to move our players through our organization from Under 8’s to Under 18’s and ultimately into the senior team at the USL League 2 and beyond.
What separates United Academy is quality. We only bring in top players from across the state, all of our coaches also currently coach at various college programs in Utah, and we provide one of the best training surfaces around. Additionally, the focus within our academy is on development. Our teams will play several of the top tournaments in the country but does not participate in any sort of league play. We do this because we believe that player development comes from top training sessions with top competition day in and day out. Of course, there is development that comes from competing and playing in game situations, which is why we participate in top tournaments. But the larger focus is on developing every day in the training environment.
What makes Utah United Academy unique is our commitment to the concurrent model. We have many players who only participate in the academy but the large majority of our players play for their local club teams, ODP programs, and many other organizations concurrently with us. Additionally, we do not have
multiple teams in each age group. Instead, we have large training pools of players in every age group. This allows us to have more competitive training sessions, more ability to focus tactically every day, and always have healthy numbers.
Currently the Academy houses 6 age groups including 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, and we are always growing and adding more ages.